Parcours WE

Between the start location in Deinze and the finish location in Nokere there are 127 race kilometres in total. After the start the riders go via Petegem on the Leie & Nazareth to Lozer and Ouwegem, to have a first passage on the Lange Ast. After that we go via Huise, Lede, Wannegem, Ooike, Oudenaarde, Elsegem and Kerkhove to the cobblestones of the Varent and the combo Hellestraat - Holstraat. Shortly afterwards, we climb the still unknown Petegemberg (500m at 7.6%). Via Moregem and Wortegem we head for the first passage in Nokere. At that point we will have covered 64,4 km and the riders will have two local laps of 31.3 km.

In the local lap, we have the cobbles of the Herlegemstraat as a warm-up. After that we get a longer flat part along Kruishoutem, Lozer, Ouwegem and Huise. From Huise onwards the cobbles follow each other in quick succession. Lange Aststraat goes uphill for 400 metres at 5.2%, shortly followed by Kloosterstraat, Doorn, Lededorp, Huisepontweg and Wannegemdorp. This is followed by the last 3 kilometres with, of course, the Nokereberg at the end of the lap!